Terms & Conditions

  1. The hirer will be a paid-up member of the Wealden Wheels initiative
  2. No third-party use of any kind will be permitted
  3. The nominated driver of the hiring party must be over 25 years of age and hold the appropriate clean driving licence
  4. Drivers with more than 3 penalty points on their driving licence will be accepted at the discretion of the Directors and with our insurer’s consent
  5. The nominated driver will collect and return the vehicle at the agreed time from the Pevington Farm address unless otherwise agreed with the Coordinator
  6. The hirer will undertake to return the vehicle in a clean and tidy condition. Unreasonable interior untidiness will result in a fee of £50 being charged for valeting
  7. The vehicle will be checked and its start mileage recorded, agreed and signed for prior to use. The finishing mileage will be recorded on its return
  8. The destination of the journey must be advised prior to use, at the time of booking
  9. The hirer must advise of any accident (however minor) to Wealden Wheels on return of the vehicle. An accident report form can be found in the document folder which is issued with the vehicle for the hire period. The hirer should complete this as fully as possible at the time of the accident. In the event of an accident where repairs are required to the vehicle then the hirer will be liable for a £150 excess charge
  10. Smoking or the consumption of food or drink of any description within the vehicle is strictly forbidden at all times
  11. It is the hirer’s responsibility to pay all parking fees and any toll or congestion charges incurred during their hire period and to resolve any disputes relating to these
  12. The hirer will be responsible for all penalty fines incurred during their hire period and the payment of these
  13. No animals may be conveyed in the vehicle
  14. The hirer will be invoiced through the nominated organisation after (but within a month of)  the hire date
  15. The Directors/agents of Wealden Wheels reserve the right to refuse hire to any group or individual as a result or any previous vehicle misuse
  16. The Directors reserve the right to change any or the above terms or conditions without prior warning

A set of these Terms & Conditions can be found on the reverse of the Vehicle Hire Form, and must be read and under-signed at the start of the hire period as a condition of the hire agreement

For further Information on Membership or Hiring our vehicles contact Liz or Chris on 01233 840000 or email us at wealdenwheels@btconnect.com

     © Wealden Wheels. All rights reserved.